Squirrels at the Feeder
Weblog dedicated to watching birds in my backyard while battling the squirrels in my bird feeders.
Bird Watchers Digest
Tips on bird identification, bird feeding, and much more.
Backyard Birding Blog
Guides, tips and advice on backyard birding. Including how to attract birds, different types of birds, birding equipment and backyard bird identification.
Birdspot is dedicated to anyone who enjoys caring for and observing wild birds. Here you will be able to find information about garden birds and bird watching in the UK.
British Birds
Everything you need to know about British birds.
Thayer Birding Software
See the top-rated birding software at ThayerBirding.com.
This Web site has lots of information related to wild birds, including information on identifying, attracting, and protecting
wild birds.
Backyard Birds of Modesto
Bird pictures, identification and observations of wild bird behavior from a California backyard.
The Great Backyard Bird Count
The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are across the continent. Anyone can participate, from beginning bird watchers to experts.
The next Great Backyard Bird Count will take place February 17-20, 2023. Count birds anytime, anywhere, with ebird. Visit our site for details.
Birding.com is a comprehensive resource for all your bird watching needs - info for beginning bird watching, species identification, photos, and more.
Online guide to the birds of the world.
Avibirds Europe
Online guide to the birds of Europe.
What Bird - The Ultimate Bird Guide
This site has tools to help you identify North American bird species as well as an active
All About Birds
All About Birds is produced by Cornell University. This is a very useful website because many different wild bird species are covered. All you have to do is select the name of the bird
and a page comes up with lots of useful information and photos for that bird species. Bird conservation, attracting birds, why birds sing, and other bird topics of interests are covered.
Birds in backyards and the wild. Bird types, pictures, songs and calls, birding, bird watching guides and equipment.
Birding and More
Tips for successful birding, bird identification, birding equipment, and places to bird. Includes a free bi-weekly
newsletter, blog, photos of local birds, and more.
China Birding
This blog provides photos, news and information about birding in China. Case studies of specific bird species are provided as the main content.
Winter Care for Garden Birds
Learn how to care for wild birds during the winter.
Bird Forum
An active birding forum dedicated to wild birds.
Snow Plowing Syracuse
We offer snow removal in the great lakes region of Syracuse NY. Regularly eliminating snow from your property not only benefits you, but also has helps improve the environment for wildlife. We have the ability to clear snow from your patio or yard so that local birds can land and collect nesting materials and food. Reach out to us today for more information and a seasonal quote.
Macomb Roofing Company
Our roofing does not contain materials that are harmful to the environment or the birds that may sit on it. Our roofing jobs are so great that it may attract many bird friends in the area. We only use eco-friendly ingredients for our work.
World Birds
Whether you want to attract songbirds to your backyard, enjoy birding hotspots, learn bird symbolism, or start bird photography, you are in the right place.
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